Frequently asked questions

To fish on the Baskatong reservoir, you must have these two documents in your possession:

We strongly recommend that you print out your authorization before your fishing trip, but it is not mandatory to do so. Digital content is accepted for Baskatong authorization and Quebec permit. All you have to do is make sure you can show it to a law enforcement officer at any time, on pain of a fine. Be on the lookout for a low battery indicator on your cell phone or various e-mail problems that prevent you from presenting it.

You must obtain a fishing permit when you go to one of Quebec’s four CWAs (Community Wildlife Areas). The money goes entirely to an NPO that owns the management. In the case of the Baskatong, the organization is Pêche sportive du réservoir Baskatong. The principle of a non-profit organization is to reinject the entire sum into the water body in one way or another, depending on its mission and objectives, i.e. :

  • Take charge of sport fishing management on the CWA territory
  • Contribute to the conservation and protection of the resource in order to finance the restoration of fishing potential and promote sport fishing activities while ensuring equitable access for all users.

The fishing authorization was set up to ensure management of the water body and the health of the ecosystem. Users pay to contribute to :

  • protection through water monitoring
  • education and awareness, notably through our free Walleye Interpretation Centre
  • walleye labeling
  • development of spawning grounds
  • forage fish research, sanctuary creation, DNA, etc.
  • Experimental fishing, which takes place every five years to validate the health of livestock.
  • aerial surveys to assess fishing pressure on the water body

No, if the following criteria are met:

  • Be under the constant and immediate supervision of a fishing licence holder


  • Be under 18 years of age or between 18 and 24 years of age and in possession of a student card

You and your spouse, your children under 18, and those aged 18 to 24 with a student card may fish under your supervision or in possession of your fishing license. All other persons under the age of 18, as well as those aged 18 to 24 with a student card, must fish at all times under your or your spouse’s supervision. As a result, you can have a single Quebec fishing license for the family, each with a fishing line in the water, but only one fish quota for the family (6 walleye, 50 yellow perch, etc.). In winter, you may not exceed the limit of five lines in the water allowed per fishing permit for all persons sharing the permit.

The term spouse(partner) refers to a partner residing at the same address for more than one year .

The tour can last between 30 minutes and 1h15, depending on your pace. Take your time, use our audioguides – you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

Yes, dogs are allowed at the Walleye Interpretation Centre.

Yes, a wildlife assistant is a representative of the law and has the powers and duties to intervene when an individual is on his or her territory.

For the moment, cleaning your boat is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended if you’re moving to a different stretch of water. Check with municipalities to see which station is closest to you.

Via our online formby phone or at our offices during summer opening hours. Here’s the information we gather: the color of the tag, the number on it, the length of the walleye, the weight if possible, the date of capture, where it was caught and whether it was kept or returned to the water.

The health of the walleye herd is very positive at the moment, so seeding is no longer necessary. The lake is self-sufficient in terms of walleye population renewal, and has been since the end of stocking in 2017. However, the lake remains under close surveillance by biologists. We are maintaining various measures to validate the situation despite the high fishing pressure. The CWA, in collaboration with the Ministry, is implementing several concrete actions, in addition to seeding, to maintain and perpetuate the health of the water body in all its forms. The fish farm has therefore not been in operation since 2017, due to the current health of the herd. This seeding method can only be used in a body of water experiencing a population decline. It will therefore be used again only if the population becomes deficient, in accordance with ministerial standards governing the granting of a seeding permit.  

The Baskatong reservoir CWA acts in accordance with the wishes of the eleven volunteer members of its Board of Directors and the Ministère de l’environnement, de la lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la faune et des parcs (MELCCFP). At all times,CWA must act in accordance with its mission, and according to the availability of funds(see financial statements).

No, CWA does not rent cottages, boats or other equipment.

We are aware that at certain times of the year, a lot of garbage ends up on the banks. Unfortunately, this problem is widespread throughout Quebec. We strive to improve the cleanliness of the waterfront with awareness-raising posters and patrol officers who educate users and, in doing so, pick up large quantities of garbage to leave the sites cleaner than when they arrived. Everyone has to pitch in.

Camping on the islands is permitted, but you need to make sure they are not privately owned. We invite you to pay close attention to the riverbanks, some of which belong to the Petawaga/LeSueur ZECs, the La Vérendrye reserve and other authorities. You must contact the landowners directly to obtain permission to camp on their respective territories.

Launching is possible at Grand-Remous and Montcerf-Lytton. Parking is free and well-equipped.